If crEATive Östersund had a saying, it would probably be ‘To get there spells together’ or ‘meet the world’ : a world of creativity and culture, of local flora and global recipes, of ideas and identity. Our aim is to create higher awareness on GOOD* FOOD.
creEATive Östersund a cultural bonanza – a gorgeous feast. The party will be held in five different settings in Östersund brought to you by more then 90 local, Nordic and international friends in collaboration with Food In Action. Food, drinks, live music, performing art and dancing – all included.
Enjoy a dinner party like no other with local artisan culture and food together with nearly 500 guests from all over the world. Delegates attending the UNESCOs Creative Citites annual meeting will be participating at crEATive Östersund.
PS. For openminded and curious people only DS.
For more information contact; Fia Gulliksson:
+46-(0)70-635 01 44
*taste, sustainability, equality

crEATive Östersund – brought to you by;
Lena Flaten from Storlien and Flammans Skafferi – head chef of the event will together with Bri Stundon from Åre Gastronomy Week, assist the participant food friends from around the world. Together we will design a fun, sustainable, creative feast, a tasty bonanza concept based on good local products.
Contributors include the Cultural Kitchen with chef Jyrki Tsutsunen from Finland. Cecilie Dawes from Oslo and Food Studio
will participate with friends from France and from Bøgedal in Denmark. The passionate quartet behind Ches Dinner Norge will host a seafood experience. From Stockholm on the Big Green Egg, chef KC Wallberg.
Mette Helbæk from Copenhagen and amazing Stedsans will hopefully fall in love with the local vegies! Great chef Jamal Hashi from Brooklyn in NYC- a new found friend we connected with thanks to the Swedish Number will cook up an African storm with products from Jämtland, supported by Matti and Kristof from Slovenia and Katja Nyqvist – previous soux chef at Jazzköket.
Loads of local artisan food- and drink- producers like Oviken Ost, Örtagård Öst, Undersåkers Chark, Gårdscharken i Fågelberget, Ås Trädgård, Wild Spirit and many, many others will participate in different ways.
BRA-flyg Sverige, STUM, Congresso and Destination Östersund have been very supportive in different ways.
Jazzköket, OSD-Storjöteatern, Gamla Teatern, Kafé Badhusparken,
Governor Jöran Hägglund, Simon Jaktlund, Anna Skipper, Lars Ericsson, Tina Mattsson, Manne Mostén, Carli Ratcliff comes all the way from Sydney. Wine expert/ writer/DJ Per Styregård will turn vinyls. and Flavia Giordini from Bari in Italy and many more local hosts and helping hands will help make crEATive Östersund an unforgettable event.

crEATive Östersund is also the ultimate ending of Creative Business – an event that strives to manifest the importance of implementing culture as a business tool, as a collaborative agent, towards unifying people of all nationalities.
We believe that culture provides a certain stickiness that brings people together in order to create successful businesses.
Don’t want to miss it?
Sign up for a full day with Creative Business as part 1 and crEATive Östersund as part 2.
For more info on Creative Business:
Katarina Nyberg Finn
Anna Rex
Foto: Salima Safarova, Culturalkitchen.fi Tina Strafrén, Fotograftina.se