“To get there, spells together(e)”

Food and sustainability advocate Fia Gulliksson has put Jämtland, in the heart of Sweden, on the global culinary map. Fia is a serial entrepreneur and a self-trained chef focused on creative gastronomy. Charged with the spirit of Pippi Longstocking and the vigour of IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad she was appointed as Honorary Doctor PhD by the Mid Sweden University 2017.
Fia uses food and culture as the tools for sustainable profits. She’s CEO of Food In Action Company Group founded by her in 2000. The company has launched a number of successful initiatives and sustainable brands like The Great Nordic Feast, Eat Up Food Walks, Flowfood and prizewinning Jazzkoket.
She is also behind her hometown Östersund’s successful bid to become a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy and the host city of the network’s annual summit in September 2016.Her initiatives have catalysed the development of the county of Jämtland’s development and put the region firmly on the map. What’s more, Fia’s companies provide enduring social and cultural capital in rural areas, they’re debt-free, and… they’re profitable.
Fia spent three years as the host of Swedish Radio’s popular MENY (Menu) food and cooking show. Furthermore on she also inspired Bergen in Norway to become a UNESCO Creative City. After years of work they finally got appointed in December 2015.
Under the Food in Action banner, Fia hosts a cultural podcast series called Kulturpodden.se, and manages two other companies, the rural restaurant Sikåsköket and the organic tea company Brunkullans Te. Today,
Having handed the reigns of Jazzköket over to co-founder Andersson in 2015, Fia now spends her time, and energy, travelling the world, motivating and inspiring others into creative action, in order to initiate a social transformation of their local community. Fia’s mission is also to inspire others worldwide to embark on a sustainable business journey driven by culture and creativity.
Moderating, speaking and curating events and think tanks at conferences across the world, often as Sweden’s representative, Fia has appeared at: the Åre Sustainability Summit; TEDxÖstersund; Terroir Symposium –Toronto; as delegate on CNN in Bilbao at the Parabere Forum; Slow Food’s Terre Madre in Turin; and curated programs and speeches for UNESCO Creative Cities annual meetings in Shenzhen and Chengdu, China, Montreal in Canada, Istanbul in Turkey, Kanazawa in Japan and as far afield as Jenjou, Korea.
Specialties: Designing creative GOOD FOOD* ecosystems and brands. Contributing to a better world with gastronomy, creativity and sustainable, inspiring leadership. Ahead of time in many ways. *taste, sustainability, equality
Fia Gulliksson är serie-entreprenör och kock med fokus på kreativ gastronomi. Med maten och kulturen som redskap för lönsamhet driver hon idag en koncernen Food In Action Company Group som i sin tur skapat en rad projekt och hållbara varumärken som bidrar till regional utveckling och som sätter Jämtland på kartan. The Great Nordic Feast, Eat Up Food Walks, Flowfood och prisvinnande Jazzkoket för att nämna några.
Laddad med andan av Pippi Longstocking och kraften hos IKEA grundare Ingvar Kamprad blev hon utnämnd till hedersdoktor doktor vid MittUniversitetet 2017. Värt att poängtera är alla bolagen bidrar till socialt- och kulturellt kapital för bygden, inget av bolagen har några lån och de går med vinst.
Under tre år hördes Fia som kalaskokerskan i P1 Meny och hon är också initiativtagare till att Östersund idag kan stoltsera med titeln UNESCOs Creative City of Gastronomy.
I April 2015 lämnade hon Jazzköket till medgrundaren Kristoffer Andersson. I koncernen Food In Action driver Fia också kulturpodden.se, samt har två dotterbolag Sikåsköket och Brunkullans Te. Hon reser världen över och inspirerar andra att skapa hållbara verksamheter med kultur och kreativitet som drivkraft.
Specialitet: Att designa kreativa REKO MAT* ekosystem och varumärken. Bidra till en bättre mat med god, kreativitet, hållbarhet och inspirerande ledarskap. Före sin tid på många vis. *smak, hållbarhet, jämlikhet

Her highlights there:
The German media intro of the kiwi berry
The communication for a B2B networking event held by the French Ministry of Agriculture which resulted in the coming of 500 guests
Several years of press relations for the French goat cheese dairy board as well as Côtes du Rhône wines, landing articles in major German media publications
In 2016, she relocated to the creative city of gastronomy Östersund, culinarily-speaking the best place to start her boutique communication studio, specialising in all the food, all the drinks… all the noms, basically. Today she works for international food clients and PR agencies on the German and Swedish markets, helping companies connect with their customers through food events, press relations and Social Media.

Green from Bunnpris, Hurtigruten, Nofima, SIT, Statoil and NTNU. He has also written the cookbook “Mer kål, mindre jål (More cabbage, less trouble)”, and can be heard on NRK P1, national radio on Sunday’s where he shares his Nordic vegetarian recipes.

Her career started at the hotel reception where she soon learned that a smile can evolve one’s hidden fabulousness.
A journey back to nature:
Growing up in the most fantastic Engadine Valley - St. Moritz and the nearby ski station Davos, Fabienne has always been surrounded by nature and mountains. After her studies in Tourism & PR and working experience in Cape Town she settled down in Zurich where she was part of a little event agency doing big events for delegations at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Home game! Getting a taylor made suit at last minute, organizing an Aston Martin in a pedestrian zone in the middle of the town or trying to wake-up an African president because he’s missing a press conference, no problem for her!
After a few years organizing business events largely for international companies Fabiennes desire to go back to nature and putting more focus on the real things in life became stronger than ever. The real things? Back to nature, good food and working sustainably. That’s about the story how she ended up in Kluk - Jämtland in 2015. Whilst being a chef at Kretsloppshuset Fabienne managed learning herself Swedish and got familiar with the locals. After a while with ecological creativity in the kitchen she soon missed the contact to people and turned back to her original profession as event and communication manager. Now she's working with regional projects involving local food & tourism as well as coordinating events such as the crEATive pARTy festival or Eat Up Food Walk Åre.

We are looking for food talents who want to get involved and use their creativity to ensure a sustainable world with us. We value uniqueness and diversity to develop our pro-active multi-task team.
If our current job offers do not match your profile but you are highly motivated by our business and our values, send us a spontaneous application at info@foodinaction.se. We will be happy to consider your candidacy.
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